Images of fruit woven into the fabric on this huipil represents a proud history of agriculture grown in the area. The symbolism of colors are very important to the Maya, and while different communities often determine what specific colors mean to them, there are some overarching color meanings that can apply to the rural farming community of Canoas. Green symbolizes plant life; black represents the west where the sun sets and red represents the east where the sun rises—concepts that were extremely important to the process of planting and harvesting. Blue symbolizes the sky and water. Butterfly designs were incorporated to show their importance to the Maya from the early stages of their civilization. The Maya observed the life cycle of the butterfly and equated it to the life cycle of humans. They also believed that butterflies were the spirits of their ancestors coming to visit them and assure them that all is well.
Canoas is a rural community in the town of San Andres Semetabaj in the department of Sololá. It is near the magnificent Lake Atitlan; the people who live here are Kaqchikel Maya. The town is known for an annual fair to honor Saint Andrew during the last five days of November.
*Please note: this is a pre-order. Canoas Huipil will be delivered in 1 month after confirming your order.
Handmade in Canoas, Sololá by Nilda.
Measurements: 25" W x 48" H. It has opened sides.
Material: 100% cotton.

ENGLISH: As a child, Nilda remembers getting up at 4 a.m. to take corn to the mill, then returning home to feed the chickens. She went to school through sixth grade, married at 23, and had four children, two of which have already graduated from high school. Currently, she offers complete outfits to her clients through her weaving business (huipil, skirt, and sash) from San Andres Semetabaj, and pays special attention to fashion so her work can stand out in the market. She now employs five women weavers from her community. “The financial capital [from Friendship Bridge] allows me to invest in the business in a reasonable way and to be at the forefront of fashion for my clients,” says Nilda.
ESPAÑOL: De niña, Nilda recuerda que se levantaba a las 4 de la mañana para llevar el maíz al molino y luego volvía a casa para dar de comer a las gallinas. Fue a la escuela hasta el sexto grado, se casó a los 23 años y tuvo cuatro hijos, dos de los cuales ya se han graduado en el instituto. En la actualidad, ofrece conjuntos completos a sus clientes a través de su negocio de tejidos (huipil, falda y faja) de San Andrés Semetabaj, y presta especial atención a la moda para que su trabajo destaque en el mercado. Ahora emplea a cinco tejedoras de su comunidad. “El capital financiero [de Puente de Amistad] me permite invertir en el negocio de manera razonable y estar a la vanguardia de la moda para mis clientes”, dice Nilda.