Patzún huipiles are most often a shade of red to represent fire or the sun’s rays. To the Maya, fire represents life and the formation of family. The lavishly embroidered yoke distinguishes the Patzún huipil from all others. As the Maya were surrounded by nature every day, embroidery of many different leaves, plants, and trees are included. The town’s name, Patzún, meaning Place of Sunflowers, was derived from Maya who speak the Kaqchikel language, and the reason for flowers in the design. Other shapes in the embroidery represent volcanoes, present in Guatemala’s landscape; the Guatemalan former currency, cuartilla; and the broken chains of slavery. The latter symbolizes what has been called the Ten Years of Spring, highlighting the years of representative democracy in Guatemala from 1944 to 1954. The Guatemalan civil war continued after that, from 1960 until 1996. Founded in the 12th century long before Spanish conquest, the town of Patzún was part of the Kaqchikel territory and belonged to the kingdom of Iximché. Today, it is home to about 26,000 people in the Chimaltenango department of Guatemala.
*Please note: this is a pre-order. Patzún Huipil will be delivered in 1.5 months after confirming your order.
Handmade in Chimaltenango by Florinda.
Measurements: 22" W, 17" H when folded. It has open sides.
Material: 100% cotton.

ENGLISH: Florinda learned embroidery from her mother. At age 10, she was already a professional embroiderer and learned to weave. At 22, she started a textiles business, and four years later, married a man who worked in agriculture. Though she hoped to become a mother, she has not been able to have children of her own. Florinda joined a Friendship Bridge Trust Bank and obtained her first loan, which she used to stock up on raw materials for her business. In addition to the loan, Florinda has received trainings on topics including business, women’s rights, health, and family. Currently, Florinda produces cushions, backpacks, and embroidery for sweatshirts.
ESPAÑOL: Florinda aprendió a bordar de su madre. A los 10 años ya era una bordadora profesional y aprendió a tejer. A los 22 años, montó un negocio textil y, cuatro años después, se casó con un hombre que trabajaba en la agricultura. Aunque esperaba ser madre, no ha podido tener hijos propios. Florinda se afilió a Friendship Bridge y obtuvo su primer préstamo, que utilizó para abastecerse de materias primas para su negocio. Además del préstamo, Florinda ha recibido formación sobre temas como negocios, derechos de la mujer, salud y familia. Actualmente, Florinda produce cojines, mochilas y bordados para sudaderas.